Pointsi:e defines how big characters will print, such as 10or 12points high.
St]’ledefines whether characters print in upright or italic style.
Stroke weight defines how bold a typeface prints.
Finally., t]p<face itself means the artistic design of a font. Your printer’s internaltypefacesinclude,Courier and LinePrinter. Withthe StarLaserPrinter 4111you can also use Roman, Prestige,
When you enable
Here’s an important fact: you can set nearly every one of the above parameters by sending your printer a corresponding Escape sequence com- mand. Those Escape sequence commands will override any setting you make from the control panel.
The main thing to realize about most printer commands, though, is that you probably don’t need to use them. Nearly all popular software packages include printer drivers, which send commands to the printer so you don’t have to type them yourself. Some of those programs ask you to key in set- up parameters about your printer. Other programs let you put printer commands before or inside the document you want to print.
But maybe the software you use doesn ‘t have printer drivers for any printer your Star LaserPrinter 4111emulates: You still might not have to write printer commands yourself.
Several companies sell programs that look after