L.ubelinstruction command
M te.rt ... text label terminator
This command prints (draws) printable characters in the string (up to 1024 characters), using the primary font selected and executes the functions of control characters in the string. Control characters S1and SO switch between the primary and secondary fonts.
Label origin command
LO position [:]
This command positions labels relative to the current pen location.
In order to use this command for centering, right justification, etc., it is necessary to store the label temporarily. The Star LaserPrinter 4111has a buffer capable of storing the longest possible label (see LB above).
Select alternate font command
SA [;]
This command selects the font currently designated as alternate.
This command has the same effect as a
Selectfont type command
SB n [:]
This command specifies which types of fonts will be used for labeling commands. When the value of n is O,the scalable fonts are selected, and 1 selects the bitmap fonts.
Commands FI and FN imply an SB command and override any previous setting.