L t c
LT type [, pattern length [, mode ;]]
This comlmandspecifies the line pattern to be used when drawing lines
When no parameters are specified, this command selects a solid line and saves the previous line type, pattern length and any unused portion of the pattern. If there are parameters, a pattern is selected as follows.
Patterns are described by the length of dashes and gaps, as a percentage of the pattern length, starting with a dash. 07crepresents a dot. Patterns and their codes are:
code pattern
o0 (not a line, only one point)
1 0 100”
If the pattern code is negative, from
After a solid line has been selected by specifying LT without parameters, pattern code 99 restores the previous line pattern and any residual pattern. LT99 is ignored when
The pattern length is measured as a percentage of the distance between P1 and P2 if mode = O,or in millimeters of mode = 1.
If not specified, the current values of pattern length and mode are used.