E r r c
ER d,r,d} [;]
This command is similar to the EA command, except that the coordinates of the opposile corner relative to current cursor position are specified.
E w c
radius, sturt an,q[e,sweep angle 1,chord angle ;J
This command draws the edge of a wedge of a circle with its center at current cursor position. A positive (negative) radius causes the positive (negative) x- axis to be the reference for the sweep angle.
Positive start and sweep angles are measured counterclockwise from the reference axis.
A wedge whose sweep angle is 360 degrees or greater is drawn as a circle with no line connected to the center. If the sweep angle is zero, it is a single straight line from the center to the starting point.
This command clears then draws to the polygon buffer.
F p c
FP [;]
This command uses the
This command is ignored ifa previous PM, RA, RR. or WG command caused the polygon buffer to overflow and no other command cleared it.