The Star LaserPrinter4111’sscalable fonts have the same relative dimensions and general appearance as the following LaserJet III fonts:
CG Times | regular |
CG Times | bold |
CG Times | italic |
CG Times | bold italic |
Univers | regular |
Univers | bold |
Univers | italic |
Univers | bold italic |
With these most frequently used fonts in ROM, a page can be assembled much faster than if the fonts had to be loaded into the printer for each printing job.
3.2.3Cartridge and downloaded fonts
Your Star LaserPrinter4111can use two other kinds of fonts, along with those built into the printer.
Cartridge fonts, like the internal ones, are permanently stored on ROM chips. The difference is that those ROMs are in removable cartridges. Your Star LaserPrinter 4111has a slot for one font cartridge.
A cartridge may hold anywhere from half a dozen to two dozen fonts, all differing from the internal fonts in size, style, stroke weight or symbol set. You’ll find that cartridge fonts open up a wider range of typefaces too, such as Roman, Prestige,
The third kind of font is neither built into your Star LaserPrinter 4111nor available just by slipping in a cartridge. You do~’nloucithis kind of font, which means you use a computer program [o send characters from a computer disk to your printer’s memory. Any downloaded font (sometimes called a “soft” or “installed” font) that you put into the printer’s RAM disappears when you turn off the printer, so you have to download that font again next time you want it.