At p c
AT xi. ]i, xe, ye [, chord angle ;]
where xi indicates the
With the current position F, this command draws an arc containing points F, I and E.
C c
CI radius [, chord angle ;]
This command draws a circle radius with its center at the current location.
P a c
PA [xl, yl, x2, y2, . X?l, J’F1;]
This command establishes absolute plotting and moves the pen to the specified absolute coordinates from the current pen position.
There is no limit to the number of arguments that can be specified. If this command is given with no arguments, it establishes that the coordinates in subsequent commands are absolute. If there are an odd number of arguments, the last argument is disregarded.
d c
PD [xl, yl, x2. y2, ... xn, ]w :]
This command is the same as PA except that a “pen down” flag is set. When there are no arguments, that is the only effect of the command.