To select the direction in which characters, raster graphics and fill patterns are printed, use the following command:
<ESC>&a n P
in which for n you put Oto select the portrait direction, 90 to select the landscape direction,
180 to select the
Symbol sets: a review
Each font can have many symbol sets, each being a subset of all the possible characters of the font. These subgroups include different symbols for different nations or for lawyers or artists or mathematicians. Any two symbol sets, moreover, may store the same symbol at a different font position in the printer’s memory.
The default symbol set is
The Star LaserPrinter4111provides two different symbol set commands. You put a code into one command to select a particular symbol set for your pri- mary or secondary font. You use the other command to select the current or default symbol set for your primary or secondary font.
Selecting a symbol set
This first symbol set command lets you select a particular symbol set for the current font. To select a symbol set for your primary font, send this command:
<ESC> ( n
For n enter one of the following symbol codes. The first character must be a digit and the second an uppercase letter.