When you use landsmpe orientation the words are printed “on their sides,” vertically up the length of the page. Text written with landscape orientation only looks correct when you turn the page so its length runs
Envelopes must be printed with landscape orientation. You also will use landscape regularly to print charts or banners, and spreadsheets or reports with so many columns they wouldn’t otherwise fit on the page.
All internal fonts, and almost all cartridge and downloaded fonts, are stored in the Star LaserPrinter 4111with portrait orientation.
Margins, columns and lines
You can change margin settings for all four edges of a page. The left and right side margins can have values from Oto 132, defining the margin columns between which words and images can be printed. And the top and bottom margins can be set at anywhere from Oto 112 lines.
| Top Margin |
| \ |
Text |
Length |
I | |
<T‘ | |
Portrait | Landscape |
Orientation | Orientation |