You can now send your letter from your word processing program to the printer and feed in those pages. When you’re done, you may want to send the <ESC> E command one more time.
You might reasonably think of page orientation as a page formatting issue. To print words widthwise on a page, however, each letter in effect has to lie on its back. So orientation is actually a font attribute, and is treated as such later on in this chapter.
4,3.1 Page Length
The Page Length command format is:
<ESC> &~n P
where n is the number of text lines on the page; it can be any number between 5 and 128.
The default number of lines is the length of the paper tray times 6 lines per inch. For
If you don’t want the default length, you should send the Page Length command bejtire you send text for printing. The table below should help you pick the right number of lines. Decide which orientation and paper size you want, then use the n under your preferred lines/inch: