Absolute direction command
DI x, ) [;]
This command specifies the slope or direction at which characters are drawn, independent of P 1 and P2 setting.
At least one parameter must be
Relative direction command
DR run, ri~e [;]
This command established the run and rise of the text path relative to the distance between points P1 and P2.
Define label terminator command
llT label terminator [, mode ;]
This command specifies the character to be used as the label terminator and whether it is printed.
The character defined with the label ter}nincztc~rparameter(not <null>, <LF>, <ESC> or <;>) is used as the terminator of strings in subsequent LB commands.
The mode parameter indicates what to do with label terminator, besides using it as a terminator.
When the mode is O,the label terminator prints if it is a printable character arid performs its function if it is a control code.
When the mode is 1, the label terminator does not print if it is a printing character and does not perform its function if it is a control code.
Define variable text path command
DV path [, line :]
This command specifies the text path for subsequent labels and the direction of Line Feeds as either right, left, up, or down.
The path parameter specifies the location of each character with respect to the preceding character, relative to the labeling direction defined by the DI or DR commands. The text path set by DV is not affected by changes in P 1 and P2.