20 WIDTH “LPT1:’’,255
40 LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(112)
you make the printer first sound its bell
Generally, when you send a control or Escape code it stays active until you deactivate it.
Most programming languages, and some versions of BASIC, letyou treat the printer as a file to which you can send data. When you write a program with one of these languages you “open” the printer file, print into it, and then “close” the file when you’re done. This programming jargon sounds funny if you’re not used to it — but it works.
A few programming languages let you send commands to the printer a third way. Applesoft BASIC is one. With it, you can switch between printer output and screen output.
1.2.8 Printer emulations
Your Star LaserPrinter4111responds to the same escape sequence commands that the
Macros are single control codes you can define yourself, which do the work of a whole long series of printer commands. If you are a programmer you will be happy to hear the Star LaserPrinter 4111supports up to 99 macros at once.