AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual 3-149
The UTILITY WindowThis section describes the utility settings that can be made to the AWG610
Arbitrary Waveform Generator.
HUsing external keyboards
HSetting general purpose knob direction
HFormatting floppy disk
HDisplaying disk usage
HDisplaying instrument status
HSetting the Internal clock (date and time)
HAdjusting CRT brightness
HResetting the instrument
HConnecting to GPIB network
HConnecting to Ethernet
HSetting up hardcopies
HRunning calibration and diagnostics
HUpgrading the system software
External Keyboards
You can connect either an ASCII 101-key keyboard or a JIS (Japanese) 106-key
keyboard to the keyboard connector on the rear panel. Do the following steps to
let the AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator know the type of keyboard being
1. Push the UTILITY (front-panel)System (bottom).
2. Select Keyboard Type using the y and b buttons.
3. Select ASCII or JIS using the general purpose knob.
The changes take effect immediately.