The UTILITY Window
AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual 3-155
Ethernet NetworkingThe AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator can be connected to a network to
access hard disk file systems in the remote computers that use Network File
System (NFS) protocol. You can also log into the AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform
Generator from the remote computer to transfer files by using FTP link software.
You can set up to three remote computers with the AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform
Generator and mount their file systems at the same time. You select the remote
files the same way that you select the internal hard disk or floppy disk.
This subsection describes the following network operations:
Connecting to Ethernet
Testing the network connection
Mounting remote file systems
Setting a FTP link
Refer to the AWG500/600 Series Programmer Manual for more information on
Ethernet networking.