Appendix B: Performance Verification
B-24 AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Amplitude and Offset Accuracy Tests (Normal Out)
These procedures check the accuracy of the amplitude and offset outputs of the
AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator.
. The amplitude and offset accuracy checks are structured as a continuous
test. The next test uses the control settings from the previous test and uses the
next step in the sequence file.
. When you output signal from the CH1 or CH1 OUTPUT, check that the
other OUTPUT ( CH1 or CH1 ) LED is off.
If the other OUTPUT LED is on, push the CH1 or CH1 OUT button to turn off
the output.
A 50ĂWBNCĂcoaxial cable, a 50ĂWĂprecision terminator,
twoĂSMA(Ma)-BNC(Fe) adapters, BNC(female)ĆtoĆdual banana
adapter,and a digital multimeter (DMM).
Prerequisites The AWG610Arbitrary Waveform Generator must meet the
prerequisites listedon page B-8.
Do the following steps to install the test hookup and set the test equipment
1. Use a 50 W BNC coaxial cable, an SMA(Fe)-BNC(Ma) adapter, a 50 W
precision terminator, and a BNC-to-dual banana adapter to connect the
AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator CH1 output to the DMM input
connector (see Figure B–9).

Check Amplitude
