to 0 dB and its polarity to positive
The meter located at the left of the component measures level in dBFS. The meter’s level will turn red 3 dB before clipping. The red clip light is located at the top of the meter. The green signal present light is located at the bottom of the meter.
Master Attenuator
The Master Attenuator can be adjusted three ways:
Using the Slider
Click on the indicator on the slider and while continuing to hold down the mouse button, move the mouse up and down. The numbers in the box below the slider will change. When the desired level is reached, release the mouse button.
Using the Text Box
Click in the box. Using the Back Space and/or Delete keys erases the current entry and enters the new level. Be sure to press the Enter key after the entry is made. Clicking outside the text box without pressing the Enter key will cause the setting to return to the number that it was before a change was attempted. Alternatively, click and drag across the number in the box to highlight the number in it. Type the new setting and press the Enter key when finished.
Using the UP/DOWN Arrows
To increase the level, click on the up arrow. To decrease the level attenuation, click on the down arrow. The amount of increase or decrease is controlled by the fine/coarse control.
Fine or Coarse Control
This button determines the increment/decrement associated with the UP/DOWN arrows. Fine produces small steps in value, while Coarse provides large steps in value. Clicking on the button will toggle the setting.
Polarity Control (+/-)
This button determines the polarity of the signal. A + indicates that the signal will not have it’s phase altered. A - indicates that the signal’s phase will be changed 180°. Clicking on the button will toggle the setting.
Mute Control
This button determines if the input signal will be muted. A gray LED indicates that the signal is not muted, while a red LED indicates that the signal is muted. Clicking on the button will toggle the setting.
Pre-Fader Metering (PFM)
This button determines if the meter is getting its data pre- or post- fader. A gray LED indicates that the meter information is
10 June 1998