Starting a New Project
Figure 6-2Create new project dialog.
To start a new project select New Project from the File menu. A panel similar to the one in Figure 6-2 will appear.
You are allowed to select a name of up to eight characters for the project, assign a path for the project to be stored, and create a new subdirectory if needed. You also will need to select the method by which the new project will be created. To select the method, click on the diamond to the left of either the Build from Script or Upload from ISP-100options. The Build from Script option uses files stored on your hard drive to create the QuickMAP. The Upload from ISP-100option creates the QuickMAP based on the information stored in an ISP-100 that is connected to the PC. When you have given the project a name, assigned a path or directory, and selected the creation method, click on the Create button to start the project creation process.
Figure 6-3QuickMAP selection dialog.
If the Build from Script option is selected a dialog similar to the one in Figure 6-3 will appear. Here you will be able to select the script that will be
10 July 1998