
Shipping to Manufacturer for Repair or Adjustment

All shipments of Merlin products should be made via United Parcel
Service or the best available shipper prepaid. The equipment should be
shipped in the original packing carton; if that is not available, use any
suitable container that is rigid and of adequate size. If a substitute
container is used, the equipment should be wrapped in paper and
surrounded with at least four inches of excelsior or similar shock-
absorbing material. All shipments must be sent to the following address
and must include the Return Authorization.
Factory Service department
Telex Communications, Inc.
West 1st Street
Blue Earth, MN 56013 U.S.A.
Upon completion of any repair the equipment will be returned via United
Parcel Service or specified shipper collect.
Save the box the
ISP-100 was
shipped in. It makes
a convenient way to
package a repair