Tests and Diagnostics
3) Result judgment
Both of PASS and FAIL are not displayed anywhere on the TIMER screen. The result is reflected to the log on the WinPE T&D screen.
■In the case of PASS
The PASS Count display on the test screen is zoomed in and (OK) is displayed in the Result field on the WinPE T&D screen.
■In the case of FAIL
The Error Count on the test screen is zoomed in and (NG) is displayed in the Result field on the WinPE T&D screen.
The information of the time at which an error occurred is printed to the log of WinPE T&D. More details are as shown below.
(The following example indicates that a time difference of 2 seconds has occurred in the timer setting.)
ERROR0000=(2008/09/10, 13:11:20)