LIM-EMS: Lotus-Intel-Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification
LSI: large scale integration
MDA: monochrome display adapter
MS-DOS: Microsoft Disk Operating System
OCR: optical character recognition (reader)
PCB: printed circuit board
PCMCIA: Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
RAM: random access memory
RFI: radio frequency interference
RGB: red, green, and blue
ROM: read only memory
RTC: real time clock.
SIMM: single in-line memory module
SIO: serial input/output
STN: supertwist nematic display
SVGA: super video graphics adapter
TFT: thin-film transistor
UMA: upper memory area
UMB: upper memory block
UART: universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
VDISK: virtual disk
VGA: video graphics array
Adapter: A device that provides an interface between two dissimilar electronic
devices. For example, the AC adapter modifies the power from wall outlet for
use by the computer. This terms also refers to the addin circuit cards that
control external devices, such as video monitors and magnetic tape devices. See
also board.
allocate: To assign a space or function for a specific task.