terminal: A
TDIAG: A diagnostic program used for testing and configuring the RAM, printer, diskette drive, and video system on the T1950 series computers.
TFT: A color LCD technology that applies individual transistors to each pixel enabling fine display control and execellent screen legibility.
upper memory area (UMA): The area of memory between 640 KB and 1 MB. This area, used mostly for video memory and other system functions, also contains small blocks of memory (upper memory blocks) that the computer can use for device drivers and other memory resident program.
upper memory block (UMB): Continuous regions of the upper memory area into which the computer may load programs and device drivers.
VDISK: Virtual disk. Part of the computerÕs random access memory assigned to simulate a disk. VDISK is a feature of
VGA: Video graphics array is an industry standard video adapter that lets you run any popular software.
virtual 8086 mode: A microprocessor mode introduced with the Intel 80386 processor that allows the computer to emulate multiple real mode processors (8086) and still switch to and from protected mode.
volatile memory: Random access memory (RAM) that stores information as long as the computer is connected to a power source.
warm start: Restarting or resetting a computer without turning it off.
window: A portion of the screen that can display its own application or document. Often used to mean a Microsoft Windows window.
write protection: A method for protecting a floppy disk (diskette) from accidental erasure.