alphanumeric: A set of letters, numbers and other symbols, such as punctuation
marks or mathematical symbols. Refers to the keyboard characters and character
set available for the various data transfer operations of the computer.
alternating current (AC): Electric current that reverses its direction of flow
at regular intervals. This type of power is usually supplied to residential and
commercial wall outlets.
analog signal: A signal whose characteristics such as amplitude and frequency
vary in proportion to (are an analog of) the value to be transmitted. Voice
communications are analog signals.
ANSI: American National Standards Institute. An organization established to
adopt and define standards for a variety of technical disciplines. For example,
ANSI defined the ASCII standard and other information processing requirements.
antistatic: A material used to prevent the build-up of static electricity.
application: A group of programs that together are used for a specific task
such as accounting, financial planning, spreadsheets, word processing, and
games, etc.
ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange. ASCII code is a set
of 256 binary codes that represent the most commonly used letters, numbers, and
async: Short for asynchronous.
asynchronous: Lacking regular time relationship. As applied to computer
communications, asynchronous refers to the method of transmitting data that does
not require a steady stream of bits to be transmitted at regular time intervals.
asynchronous communications parameters: Values that determine how a character
is encoded for transmission. These parameters include baud rate, parity, number
of data bits, and the number of stop bits.
AUTOEXEC.BAT: A batch file that executes a series of MS-DOS commands and
programs each time you start the computer.
AutoResume: A special feature that lets you turn off the power without first
exiting a program and retain your data in RAM. When you turn on the computer,
the screen appears the same as when you turned it off.
backup: A duplicate copy of files kept as a spare in case the original is
base memory: See conventional memory.
batch file: A file that can be executed from the system prompt containing a
sequence of operating system commands or executable files. See also
baud (baud rate): Rate of character transmission over communication devices