Routes Table Configuration
The routes table contains both static and dynamic routing information. Dynamic routes are updated by RIP broadcasts received from other routing devices on the network. Static routes are routes added to the table by hand. A static route to a given location will override any dynamic routes to the same location. Static routes are required when dynamic routes to a given location are not being received (For example, when RIP is not running).
How to . . .
Bring Up the List of Commands
Use the following command for the IP Routes table:
help set route
Use the following command for the IPX Routes table:
help set ipxroute
Add a Route to the Routes Table
To add IP route, use the following command:
add route <destination> <gateway> <metric>
To add an IPX route, use the following command:
add ipxroute <destination> <gateway> <metric> <ticks>
Change a Route’s Information
To change a route’s entry in the Routes Table, you must delete the old route and replace it with a new one.