Error Messages
All of the following errors are considered fatal and will cause the PC SDL software to abort. If one of these errors is detected, the operator must restart the PC software download.
Bad Address in Downloadable Data
The NETServer SDL software detects an invalid address while parsing through the Intel records. These Intel records are downloaded in RAM and are used for Flash memory program- ming.
Bad CRC on Downloadable Code in ROM
The CRC of the software programmed in flash memory is corrupted.
Bad CRC in Program Loaded in RAM
The CRC of the program just loaded in the NETServer’s RAM is corrupted.
Bad File Number
The file system in the SDL program detects a bad file number when trying to close the file. This normally indicates either a programming error or program corruption.
Bad Message Buffer
The communication buffer is too small or invalid due to pro- gram corruption.
Bad Message CRC
The CRC associated with each message is bad due possibly to noise on the transmission line.