If using SLIP, enable Van Jacobson IP header compression only if both networks use CSLIP (compressed SLIP).
If compression is enabled for a PPP connection, the NETServer will attempt to negotiate for compression, but will not use it if the remote site does not support compression. Use the follow- ing command:
set location <location name> compression <on off>
Dial Group Number
Specifies which pool of modems will dial out to the remote location. Range is 0 to 99. The NETServer will only use ports that belong to this group to dial out to the remote location. The default is 0. Use the following command:
set location <location name> group <group #>
Applies to Manual and On Demand locations only. This field specifies how many minutes a dial out connection to this location can remain idle (no packets being sent or received) before the NETServer disconnects. The idle timer ignores RIP, SAP and keepalive packets, allowing ports to
set location <location name> idletime <2 to 240 minutes>
You must set the Idle