Chapter 6 Configuration Basics

2Click AppPatrol > Peer to Peer to go to the application patrol configuration screen. Click the BitTorrent application patrol entry’s Edit icon.

Set the default policy’s access to Drop.

Add another policy.

Select the user account that you created for Bob.

You can leave the source, destination and log settings at the default.

Note: With this example, Bob would have to log in using his account. If you do not want him to have to log in, you might create an exception policy with Bob’s computer IP address as the source.

6.5.18 Anti-Virus

Use anti-virus to detect and take action on viruses. You must subscribe to use anti-virus. You can subscribe using the Licensing > Registration screens or one of the wizards.

MENU ITEM(S) Configuration > Anti-X > AV

PREREQUISITES Registration, zones

6.5.19 IDP

Use IDP to detect and take action on malicious or suspicious packets. You must subscribe to use IDP. You can subscribe using the Licensing > Registration screens or one of the wizards.

MENU ITEM(S) Configuration > Anti-X > IDP

PREREQUISITES Registration, zones

6.5.20 ADP

MENU ITEM(S) Configuration > BWM


Use ADP to detect and take action on traffic and protocol anomalies.

MENU ITEM(S) Configuration > Anti-X > ADP




ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide