Appendix A Log Descriptions


Table 267 Built-in Services Logs (continued)






DNS access control

An administrator moved the rule %u to index %d.



rule %u has been moved

%u is previous index



to %d.







%d variable is current index







The default record of

The default record DNS servers is more than 128.



Zone Forwarder have




reached the maximum




number of 128 DNS








Interface %s ping

Ping check ok, add DNS servers in bind.



check is successful.

%s is interface name



Zone Forwarder adds






DNS servers in








Interface %s ping

Ping check failed, remove DNS servers from bind.



check is failed. Zone

%s is interface name



Forwarder removes DNS






servers in records.




Interface %s ping

Ping check disabled, add DNS servers in bind.



check is disabled.

%s is interface name



Zone Forwarder adds






DNS servers in








Wizard apply DNS

Wizard apply DNS server failed.



server failed.




Wizard adds DNS server

Wizard apply DNS server failed because DNS zone conflicted.



%s failed because DNS

%s is the IP address of the DNS server



zone setting has










Wizard adds DNS server

Wizard apply DNS server fail because the device already has



%s failed because Zone

the maximum number of DNS records configured.



Forwarder numbers have

%s is IP address of the DNS server.



reached the maximum






number of 32.




Access control rules

The maximum number of allowable rules has been reached.



of %s have reached the




maximum number of %u







%u is the maximum number of access control rules.







Access control rule %u

A new built-in service access control rule was appended.



of %s was appended.

%u is the index of the access control rule.














Access control rule %u

An access control rule was inserted successfully.



of %s was inserted.

%u is the index of the access control rule.















ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide