Appendix A Log Descriptions


Table 274 Interface Logs (continued)





Duplicated interface

A duplicate name was not permitted for an interface.





This Interface can not

An interface’s name cannot be changed.


be renamed.



Virtual interface is

A virtual interface was not created on an interface because


not supported on this

the type of interface does not support virtual interfaces.


type of interface.



Virtual interface need

An interface property cannot be changed because the


to be removed before

interface has a virtual interface on it.


changing the interface






Virtual interface can

A virtual interface cannot be configured on an external


not configured at



external interface.



Interface property is

An invalid interface property was not accepted.


not accepted.



The property can not

An interface property cannot be changed.


be changed at this






System default ppp

The system default PPP interface can only be bound with the


interface can not bind

corresponding Ethernet interface, not any other.


with other ethernet






Related system default

The related system default PPP interface has to be


ppp interface need to

deactivated before the attempted configuration can be done.


deactivate first.



Related system default

The system default PPP interface cannot be activated because


ppp interface can not

it is related to an internal interface.


be activated since



interface property is






System default ppp

A PPP interface could not be removed because it is a system


interface can not be

default PPP interface.





Interface property can

An interface can not be set to be an internal interface because


not change to internal

it is a member of a trunk.


since interface is the



member of other trunk.



Port-grouping is not

The interface does not support port grouping.





This interface type

This type of interface does not support setting a third DNS


can not set 3rd-dns.

server setting.



ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide