Appendix A Log Descriptions

Table 257 Anti-Virus Logs (continued)



AV signature update has

The anti-virus signatures update did not succeed.

failed. Can not update


last update time.


AV signature update has

Anti-virus signatures update failed because the ZyWALL was

failed. (Replacement

not able to replace the old set of anti-virus signatures with


the new one.

AV signature update has

Anti-virus signatures update failed because the ZyWALL was

failed. (Unknown

not able to identify whether the downloaded signature

signature package).

package was an incremental or full update.

AV signature update

The ZyWALL updated the anti-virus signatures from the

from version %s to

listed version to the second listed version.

version %s has




AV signature update has

An anti-virus signatures update failed because the signature

failed. (File damaged)

file has been corrupted.

AV signature update has

An anti-virus signatures update failed because the ZyWALL

failed. (Memory not

did not have enough system resources free to finish the


signature update.

AV signature size is

An anti-virus signatures update failed because the anti-virus

over system limitation

signature file was too large.

AV signature update has

An anti-virus signatures update failed for unknown reasons.



Anti-Virus signatures

When the ZyWALL started it could not find the anti-virus

missing, refer to your

signature file. See the CLI reference guide for how to

user documentation to

restore the default system database.

recover the default


database file.


Update signature

An attempt to update the anti-virus signature version failed.

version has failed.

cannot update signature version




AV signature update

The anti-virus signatures have been updated.

from %s version %s to

1st %s: The anti-virus engine type before the update.

%s version %s has



2nd %s: The signature version before the update.


3rd %s: The anti-virus engine type after the update.


4th %s: The signature version after the update.



AV signature size is

The anti-virus signature file size is too large.

over system limitation


AV has been activated

Anti-virus has been turned on.

AV has been deactivated

Anti-virus has been turned off.

Anti-Virus rule %d has

The anti-virus rule with the specified index number (1st %d)

been moved to %d

was moved to the specified index number (2nd %d).

Anti-Virus rules have

All of the anti-virus rules have been deleted.

been flushed.


Anti-Virus rule %d has

The anti-virus rule of the specified number has been

been deleted.




ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide