Chapter 27 ZyWALL SecuExtender

connected but not send any traffic through it until you right-click the icon and resume the connection.

27.5 Stop the Connection

Right-click the icon and select Stop Connection to disconnect the SSL VPN tunnel.

27.6 Uninstalling the ZyWALL SecuExtender

Do the following if you need to remove the ZyWALL SecuExtender.

1Click start > All Programs > ZyXEL > ZyWALL SecuExtender > Uninstall.

2In the confirmation screen, click Yes.

Figure 265 Uninstalling the ZyWALL SecuExtender Confirmation

3Windows uninstalls the ZyWALL SecuExtender.

Figure 266 ZyWALL SecuExtender Uninstallation



ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide