Appendix A Log Descriptions


Table 274 Interface Logs (continued)





"SIM card of interface

The SIM card for the cellular device associated with the listed


cellular%d in %s is

cellular interface (%d) cannot be detected. The SIM card may


damaged or not

be missing, not inserted properly, or damaged. Remove the


inserted. Please

device and check its SIM card. If it does not appear to be


remove the device,

damaged, try re-inserting the SIM card.


then check the SIM






"SIM card of interface

The SIM card for the cellular device associated with the listed


cellular%d in %s is

cellular interface (%d) is locked. This may be because the PIN


locked. Please enter

code was entered incorrectly more than three times. You need


PUK code to unlock.

to enter the PUK code to unlock the SIM card. .


"Incorrect PIN code of

The listed cellular interface (%d) does has the wrong PIN


interface cellular%d.

code configured.


Please check the PIN



code setting.



"Unable to query the

The ZyWALL could not check the signal strength for the listed


signal quality from

cellular interface (%d). This could be due to an error or being


the device in %s.

out of range of the ISP’s cellular station.


Please try to remove



then insert the






"Interface cellular%d

The listed cellular interface (%d) cannot connect to the ISP.


cannot connect to the

This could be due to an error or being out of range of the


service provider.

ISP’s cellular station.


"Interface cellular%d

The listed cellular interface (%d) does not have the correct


is configured with

APN (Access Point Name) configured.


incorrect APN.



"Interface cellular%d

The listed cellular interface (%d) does not have the correct


is configured with

phone number configured.


incorrect phone






"Interface cellular%d

The listed cellular interface (%d) does not have the correct


is configured with

user name and password configured.


incorrect username or






"Interface cellular%d

The listed cellular interface (%d) is configured for a particular


is configured with

cellular device (first %s), but a different cellular device


device %s, but current

(second %s) is inserted.


inserted device is %s.



"Cellular device [%s

The cellular device (identified by its manufacturer and model)


%s] has been inserted

has been inserted in or connected to the specified slot.


into %s.



"Cellular device [%s

The cellular device (identified by its manufacturer and model)


%s] has been removed

has been removed from the specified slot.


from %s.




ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide