Craftsman 25949 instruction manual Maintenanceandstorage, Ment is in safe working condition

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• Keepallnuts,boltsandscrewstighttobesuretheequip-

ment is in safe working condition.

Never store the equipment with petrel ir_the tank inside a building where fumes may reach an open flame or spark.

Allow the engine to cool before stodng in any enclosure.

To reduce the fire hazard, keep the engine, silencer, battery compartment and petrol storage area free of grass, leaves, or excessive grease.

Chock the grass catcher frequently for wear or deteriora- tion.

Replace worn or damaged parts for safety.

If the fuel tank has to be drained, this should be done outdoors.

On multi-bladed machines, take care as rotating one blade can cause other blades to rotate.

When machine is to be parked, stored or left unattended,

lower the cutting means unless a positive mechanical lock is used.

wire and place wire where it cannot contact

CAUTION: Always disconnect spark plug spark plug In order to prevent accidental

starting when setting up, transporting, ad- justing or making repairs.


Image 4
Contents Riiftsman Functional description Funktionsbeschreibung BetriebNormas de seguridad Norme di sicurezza Instructies aivorens te rijdenSafe Operation Practices for Ride-On Mowers Safety RulesII. Preparation Maintenanceandstorage Ment is in safe working conditionSicherheitsvorschriften Regeln for die sichere Bedienung von RasentraktorenVerkehrtes Abschleppen und verkehrte Lastverteilung II. VorbereitungIV.WARTUNG UND Lagerung R6gles de S6curit6 Seulementsi la tondeuse est dsignerpour cette inten- tionIV. Entretien ET Entreposage Lea todas las instrucciones cuidadosamente Reglas SeguridadFijese si hayagujems, surcoso otrospeligrosescondidos IV. Mantenimiento Y Almacenamiento Regole di sicurezza per trattorini da prato II. PreparazioneIV.MANUTENZIONE E Periodi DI Inattivita Zittrekkers Veilige bedieningsmethoden Voor II. Voorbereiding III. BedieningIV. Onderhoud EN Opslag 38-102 275Reverse Neutral High LOW Fast Slow Lights on Lights OFF Significados MEDISCHEHULPINROEo PEN Gefahr ZU VermeidenClDO Sulforico SClNTILLEExtension Shaft HET Stuur Steering WheelVerstelbare Uitschuifas Lenkrad Einstellbare VERL,NGERUNGSWELLE@ Hinweis SltzOn the seat holder Page Controleerof de gewenstemaaihoogtewordt bereikt @ Assemble Guage WheelsZusammenbau OER STOTT..RADER Montaj DE LAS Ruedas CalibradorasPage Estrangulador Ajuste de la altura de corte = Fullspeed = Idlingspeed Leva del camblo La leva ha quattroposizloni Acoplamiento Y desacoplamicnto del equlpo de code Avertissement WarnungAttenzione Page Kaltstertregler Mhh6heneinstellungFilling up RifomlmentoTanken Iood=--FULLCAUTION do Nivel de acelteZjn Driving . Betrieb . Conduite . Conducci6n Guida . Rijden Anlassen des MotorsDmarrage du moteur Starting of motorHinweis Girare la chiavesu StartNotai Yourtractoris now readyfor normaloperation DsrTraktor IstJetztnormalbstdsbsbereitSpurgo Della Trasmissione Purgar LA TransmisinImportante SE LA Trasmissione E Stata Smontata Hinweis Belfor das MShaggragatauf eingaschaltefsteht@ Notai OsservareSpraythe cuttingunitwith water underneathafteruse Page @ Advertencia Eviteel parar o arrancarla mdquina en terranoinclinadoAvertissementi WaarschuwingPage Primadl lasciarela macchina, toglieresemprela chiave Advertissement@ Advertencia Avertissement Cubierta Conectorde cablesde losfarosdelanteros ConnattorecavoluclMaintenance Wartung OnderhoudAvantchaque usage AchtungMantenimiento Effettuare interventi periodici diService Record WartungsnachweisAlle200 StundenService aantekeningen Compe-rendu DentretienInforme de servicio Dati di servizioNOTA1 Osservarei@ Warning AttenzioneiAdvertencia Page Ausbaueo Mlhaggregataus dar MaschineherausziehenEt esaxea respectfs IarrireReplacement of drive belt for cutting unit PoleasPage @ Adjuste DE Lado a Lado Seituche EinstellungRiglage DUNC6TI Lautre Regolazione Fianco a Fianco@ Replacement of ddve belt Einstellung DES Steuerknoppels DES Schaltgetriebes Gecombineerde Versnellingsbak EN Acnterbrug OpmerkingTransaxle Cooling Transaxle Pump FluidTRANSACHSEN-KOHLUNG TRANSACHSEN-PUMPENFLUSSIGKEITTroubleshooting St6rungssucheMotor erbeitet unglelchmitBIg Short-circuttin cableRecherche des pannes . B, squeda de averias Le moteur ne d6marre pasRicerca guasti . Het Iocaliseren van foutenDe motor Ioopt niet gelijkmatig Hoogte van gemaaid grae is ongelijkService Storage , AufbewahrungRangement . Conservaci6n ServicioRismessaggio StallenServlzlo OnderhoudPage CRAFTSMAll