qos classifier detail 693
Classifier – Filte rs
(flow classifiers only)
Filters (address and port patterns):
Source IP address
Source IP address mask
Destination IP address
Destination IP address mask
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) port range
Destination Port range
(flow classifiers only)
Beginning and end of the TCP or UDP destination port
Source Port range
(flow classifiers only)
Beginning and end of the TCP or UDP source port range
Classifier – Insta lled
Flows (if flows exist)
Actual flows seen on the system, with the following data:
Source IP address/source port
Destination IP address /destination port
Protocol type
Number of flow cache misses
Control Control number that you assign to the control
Name Name that you assign to the classifier
Protocol Protocol type, if applicable, that is associated with the
classifier and control
Field Description