qos control modify 721


1Enter the control number that you want to modify. The existing controls are displayed in braces { }.

2To modify the name, enter the new name for the classifier.

The name that is associated with the specified control number appears in brackets [ ].

3Enter the rate limit type (for example, none, receivePort, or aggregate).

The available values depend on how the control was defined; the current limit appears in brackets.

4For the receivePort or aggregate rate limits, enter the service level for conforming packets as high, best, or low.

For the none rate limit, enter the service level for conforming packets as high, best, low, or drop. If you use drop, the system drops all traffic on all ports for the classifier that is associated with the control. The current value appears in brackets.

5Specify whether the conforming packets are loss eligible (yes or no).

6If you have selected receivePort or aggregate for the rate limit type, you are prompted for the following information:

a Enter the service level for excess packets (high, best, low, or drop).

b Specify whether excess packets are loss eligible (yes or no). Your current value is the default.

cSpecify whether you want to modify the existing rate limits (yes or no).

If you enter no, the system maintains the existing values for all associated rate limits. If you enter yes, specify how the first rate limit should be expressed (percentage of port bandwidth or KBytes/sec). KBytes/sec is the default. If the control has multiple per-port rate limits, you can change one rate limit without affecting the others.

dIf you specified KBytes/sec for the first (or only) rate limit, enter the value for the rate limit in KBytes/sec (0 through 65434).

If you specified percentage for the rate limit, specify the percentage in the range of from 0 through 100 percent.

eEnter the burst size in KBytes (in the range of from 16 through 8192). The default value depends on your specified rate limit.

Page 721
Image 721
3Com 3500 manual Procedure