management ip advancedPing 179
management ip
Tries to reach or “ping” a host with one or more of the advanced ping
Valid Minimum Abbreviation
m ip advancedP
Important Considerations
When you specify a host name, the host nam e and its associated IP
address must be configured on a network name server. Also, you must
add the IP address on the name server to the list of name server
addresses that are associated with the network domain name. See the
ip dns commands in C hapter 16 for more inf ormation.
The Burst option, when enabled, overrides the value that is set in the
Quiet or Wait option.
The Burst option floods the network with Intern et Control Message
Protocol (ICMP) echo packets and can cause network congestion. Do
not use the Burst option during periods of heavy network traffic. Use
this option only as a diagnostic tool in a network t hat has many
routers to determine if one of the routers is not forwarding packets.
For example, you can set a high count value (1000 pa ckets), and then
observe the run lights on the units: the run ligh ts blink rapidly on
routers that are forwarding packets successfully, but remain unlit, or
blink slowly, on routers that are not forwarding packets successfully.
To interrupt the command, press Enter.
Prompt Description
Values [Default]
Host name or
IP address
Host name or IP address of the
destination that you want to ping.
A valid host
name or IP
Number of
ICMP Request
Number of ICMP echo request
packets that are sent to ping a host.
If the destination host does not
respond after it is pinged by the
number of packets that you specify,
the system displays a Host is
Unreachable or Host is no t
Responding message.
1 – 9999