appletalk interface
For CoreBuilder 9000: Applies to Layer 3 switching modules only.
Displays statistics for each AppleTalk interface. You can specify a single
AppleTalk interface, multiple interfaces, or all interfaces. If you have
multiple interfaces and you do not specify one of them, the system
prompts you to specify the appropriate interface index number.
Valid Minimum Abbreviation
ap i st
Important Consideration
The display includes statistics for the AppleTalk Address Resolution
Protocol (AARP), Datagram Delivery Protocol (DDP ), Routing Table
Maintenance Protocol (RTMP), Zone Information Protocol (ZIP), Name
Binding Protocol (NBP), and AppleTalk Echo Protocol (AEP).
Fields in the AppleTalk Interface Statistics Display
Field Description
aarpInProbes Number of AARP probes that have been received
aarpInReqs Number of AARP requests that have been received
aarpInResp Number of AARP responses that have been received
aarpOutProbes Number of AARP probes that have been sent
aarpOutReqs Number of AARP requests that have been sent
aarpOutResp Number of AARP responses that have been sent
ddpForwRequests Total number of packets for which an attempt was made
to forward them to their final destinat ion
ddpInChecksumErrors Number of DDP datagrams that were dropped because of
a checksum error
ddpInLocals Number of DDP datagrams f or which this entity was the
final DDP destination
ddpInReceives Total number of packets that have been received,
including those with errors
ddpInTooLongs Number of input DDP datagrams that have been dropped
because they exceeded the maximum DDP datagram size
ddpInTooShorts Number of input DDP datagrams that have been dropped
because the received data length was less than the data
length that was specified in the DDP header, or the
received data length was less than the length of the
expected DDP header
ddpNoProtoHandlers Number of DDP datagrams without protocol handlers
echoInReplies Number of echo replies that have been received