qos classifier modify 705

Nonflow Classifier Procedure

1To modify the cast type, enter a new cast type.

For a nonflow classifier, the options are unicast, multicast, broadcast, and all

2To modify the associated protocols, enter another protocol.

The options are TCP/IP, IP, IPX, Appletalk, any, or custom.

3If you choose custom, select the protocol type (ethernet or DSAP/SSAP).

For the ethernet type, enter the hexidecimal value

For the DSAP/SSAP type, enter the DSAP and SSAP hexidecimal values

4To modify the handling of IEEE 802.1p tags, enter the appropriate tags using a value in the range of 0 through 7, or enter all

QoS Classifier Modify Example (Flow Classifier)

Select menu option (qos/classifier): modify Enter classifier number {20,23,26,401-407,420,430,440, 450, 460, 470,480,490?}:26 Enter classifier name {?} [IPFilter1]:

Select cast type (unicast,multicastall?) [unicast,multicast]:

Select IP protocol type (TCP,UDPall?) [TCP,UDP]: Enter source IP address []:

Enter source IP address mask []: Enter destination IP address []:

Enter destination IP address mask []: Enter start of TCP source port range (0-65535) [0]: Enter end of TCP source port range (0-65535) [65535]: Enter start of TCP destination port range (0-65535) [0]: Enter end of TCP destination port range (0-65535) [65535]: Enter another filter (yes,no) [no]: n

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Image 705
3Com 3500 manual Nonflow Classifier Procedure, QoS Classifier Modify Example Flow Classifier