Chapter 16: File Download and Upload Commands
upload method=remoteswitch
method Specifies a switch to switch upload.
srcfile or file Specifies the file to be uploaded from the master switch.
Options are:
filename Specifies the name of a configuration
file in the master switch’s file system.
appblock Uploads the master switch’s active
AT-S62 image file.
switchcfg Uploads the master switch’s active boot
configuration file.
switchlist Specifies the switches in an enhanced stack to which to
upload a file or the AT-S62 image file from the master
switch. (To view the switches in an enhanced stack, see
SHOW REMOTELIST on page 35.) You can specify more
than one switch at a time (for example, 1,3,4).
verbose Specifies whether to display details of the upload
operation. The options are:
yes, on, true Display the upload details. The options
are equivalent.
no, off, false Do not display the upload details. The
options are equivalent.
This command uploads a boot configuration file or an active AT-S62 file
image from a master switch to other switches in an enhanced stack. This
is refer to as a switch to switch upload.