Chapter 21: Class of Service (CoS) Commands
set qos scheduling=strict|wrr weights=weights
scheduling Specifies the type of scheduling. The options are:
strict Strict priority. A port transmits all packets
out of the higher priority queues before it
transmits any from the low priority queues.
This is the default.
wrr Weighted round robin. A port transmits a
set number of packets from each queue in a
round robin manner.
weights Specifies the weight given to each of a port’s four
egress priority queues. You must specify the weights if
scheduling will be weighted round robin. The range
for each queue is 0 to 255 packets, and the default is 0.
The weights are specified in the following order: Q0,
Q1, Q2, Q3. For example, to give Q0 a weight of 1, Q1 a
weight of 10, Q2 a weight of 20, and Q3 a weight of 30,
you would enter this parameter as
weights=1,10,20,30. The parameter must
include all four queues.
This command sets the QoS scheduling method and the weights for
round robin scheduling. Scheduling and queue weights are set at the
switch level. You cannot set this at a per-port basis.
The following command sets the scheduling to strict:
set qos scheduling=strict
The following command sets the scheduling to weighted round robin
and gives egress priority queue Q0 a weight of 1, Q1 a weight of 5, Q2 a
weight of 10, and Q3 a weight of 15:
set qos scheduling=wrr weights=1,5,10,15