Chapter 8: Verifying the Hardware Operations of the Chassis
Figure 135. SHOW VERSION Command
2. Compare the version number displayed by the SHOW VERSION
command with the information in Table 19 on page 62 to confirm that
the AlliedWare Plus Operating System on the controller card supports
all the hardware components in the chassis. If necessary, update the
management software on the controller card.
3. To display the status of the power supplies, fan module, and AT-
SBx81CFC400 Control Cards, use the SHOW SYSTEM
ENVIRONMENT command in the User Exec or Privileged Exec mode.
The Status column in the display provides the states of the modules.
Components are operating normally when they have an “Ok” status.
4. To display the status of the line cards, use the SHOW CARD
command in the Privileged Exec mode A line card has a state of
“Online” when it is operating normally. An example of the status
information is shown in Figure 136.
Figure 136. SHOW CARD Command
5. To display the states of the individual ports on the Ethernet line cards,
use the SHOW INTERFACE STATUS command in the Privileged
Exec mode.
swplus# show version
AlliedWare Plus (TM) 5.4.2
Build name : SBx81CFC400-5.4.3.rel
Build date : Wed Nov 2 12:13:19 NZDR 2013
Build type : RELEASE
NEW-SNMP SNMP agent software
(c) 1996, 1998-2000 The Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved;
Software Version
awplus# show card
Slot Card Type State
1 AT-SBx81GP24 Online
2 AT-SBx81XS6 Online
3 AT-SBx81GP24 Online
4 AT-SBx81GS24a Online
5 AT-SBx81CFC400 Online (Active)
6 AT-SBx81CFC400 Online (Standby)