In the previous section s, cooking procedure s in

Chefs, cooks and other speci alized food service

the Halo Heat Low Temperat ure Cooking and

person nel employ varied method s of coo kin g.

Hol ding Ove n have been emph asized. If pract ical

Proper holding temperatures for a specif ic food

to the individu al food servi ce operati on, thes e

produ ct must be based on the moist ure conten t of

ovens can also be used wit hout the cooking

the produ ct, produ ct densi ty, volume, and proper

function to hold foods at proper serving

serv ing tem pera tures. Safe holding tem per atures

temp eratur es. Individual holding cab inets can also

must also be correlated with palatability in

be used to accomplis h this fun ction.

deter mining the length of hol ding time for a

Food produ ction in most food servi ce facili ties

speci fic produ ct.

is accomplish ed in a variety of differe nt coo king

Halo Heat mainta ins the maximum amoun t of

equi pment. Food quality can be easi ly lost

produ ct moi sture conten t withou t the addit ion of

between the time a produc t is remov ed from an

water , water vapor, or stea m. Main tain ing

oven and the time of direct

serv ice. Regar dle ss of

maxi mum natural produ ct moistu re pres erves the

the met hod of preparation , proper handl ing of foo d

natural flavor of the product and provi des a more

within this tim e period

is of crit ical importance to

genu ine taste. In addition to produc t moist ure

the food service

operat or. Halo Heat hot food

retenti on, the gen tle properti es of Halo Heat

hol din g equipm ent is able to support any typ e of

mai nta in a con sistent tem pera ture througho ut the

food preparation

by ext end ing the longest poss ible

cabinet without the necessi ty of a heat distrib utio n

hol din g life for the widest

vari ety of products .

fan, thereby preventing furth er moistu re los s due

For maximu m efficienc y, hot food holding

to evapora tion or deh ydra tion.

In an enclosed hol ding env ironment , too muc h

equipm ent shou ld be selected on the basis of the

full range of functions

this equipme nt can provid e

moi sture conten t is a condi tion which can be

to the individ ual operation.

For example, dough

relieved. A produ ct achieving ext remely high

proofing, bulk food holdi ng for buffet service or

tem peratures in preparation must be allow ed to

other situa tions,

and the transportation of hot foods

decr ease in tem pera ture bef ore bein g pla ced in a

are some of the major funct ions of thes e cabine ts for

cont rolled hol ding atmosphere. If the produ ct is

mult i-purpose utilit y. When prop erly plan ned,

not allowed to dec rease in temperature, excess ive

Halo Heat holding equipment can be a time

cond ensa tion will form increasing the moist ure

manageme nt aid, support the food service operation

cont ent on the outs ide of the produc t. To pres erve

by extend ing preparat ion times outsid e of peak

the safet y and quality of freshly coo ked foods

preparation hours, and provide a quality product in

how ever, a maximum of 1 to 2 minute s must be the

prolonged hold ing situat ions.

onl y time period allowed for the initial heat to be

Con sult an Alto- Shaa m representativ e for

released from the produ ct.

Mos t Halo Heat holding equipment is provided

infor mation on compatible

hold ing equi pment or

for recomm endation on full systems tail ored to

with a thermosta t control betwe en 60° and 200 °F

meet specific requ irement s.

(16 ° to 93°C). If the unit is equ ippe d with ven ts,

clo se the vents for moist holding and open the







vents for crisp hol ding.




If the unit is equipped with a thermosta t







indicating a range of between 1 and 10, use a metal-








stemmed, indicating thermometer to measure the




internal temperature of the product(s) being held.







Adjust the thermostat setting to achieve the best







overall setting based on internal product temperature.









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Alto-Shaam Electronically Operated Ovens manual CAU Tion

Electronically Operated Ovens specifications

Alto-Shaam Electronically Operated Ovens represent a significant advancement in commercial kitchen technology, offering unmatched precision and versatility. Designed primarily for restaurants, hotels, and catering businesses, these ovens combine advanced cooking technologies with user-friendly features to enhance kitchen efficiency and food quality.

One of the standout features of Alto-Shaam ovens is their customizable cooking modes. Operators can choose from various cooking methods, including convection, steam, and combination cooking, allowing them to prepare a wide range of dishes from perfectly roasted meats to delicate pastries. This versatility enables chefs to experiment and innovate, making it easier to craft unique menus that satisfy diverse dining preferences.

Another key characteristic of Alto-Shaam ovens is their use of Halo Heat technology. This innovative heating system provides consistent, even cooking through radiant heat, ensuring that food is cooked thoroughly without the need for excess moisture or fats. This not only enhances the flavor and texture of dishes but also promotes healthier cooking practices by reducing the amount of added oils or butter.

The ovens come equipped with a digital control panel that allows for precise temperature and time settings, ensuring that each dish is cooked to perfection. The intuitive interface makes it easy for kitchen staff to operate, reducing the chances of user error in a high-pressure environment. Additionally, many models include programmable recipes, enabling chefs to store their best creations for future use, which streamlines the cooking process and minimizes prep time.

Energy efficiency is another hallmark of Alto-Shaam ovens. Featuring insulation that minimizes heat loss, these ovens are designed to operate with lower energy consumption compared to traditional models. This not only leads to lower utility bills but also aligns with sustainable kitchen practices, making them an environmentally friendly choice for modern establishments.

Durability is crucial in a commercial kitchen, and Alto-Shaam ovens are built to last. Constructed from high-quality stainless steel, these ovens withstand the rigors of daily use while maintaining their aesthetic appeal. Regular maintenance is straightforward, which helps to prolong the life of the equipment.

In summary, Alto-Shaam Electronically Operated Ovens combine advanced cooking technologies with user-friendly features, making them an ideal choice for any commercial kitchen. With customizable cooking modes, Halo Heat technology, digital controls, energy efficiency, and robust construction, these ovens deliver exceptional performance and reliability, ensuring that chefs can consistently meet and exceed customer expectations.