Enhanced Attendant Console
This model has warning and control lamps on 12 of its trunk group select buttons
(versus 6 for the basic console). The Enhanced Console may be used with V1, V2,
V3, and G1; but in V1, V2, and V3, only the left six trunk group select buttons use the
warning and control lamps.
Extension Number
A 1 through 5-digit number assigned to each voice terminal, certain system groups,
data modules, 510 Personal Terminal, or 515 Business Communications Terminal
within the system. A 1- or a 5-digit extension number is available for Version 2 and
Version 3 only.
External Call
A connection between a system user and a party on the public telephone network or
on a tie trunk; also referred to as an outside call.
A specifically defined function or service provided by the system.
Feature Button
A labeled
Intercept Tone
button on a voice terminal or attendant console designating a specific
An alternating high and low tone; indicates a dialing error or denial of the service
A common boundary between two systems or pieces of equipment.
Internal Call
A connection between two users within the system; also referred to as an inside call.