About This Book
Typographical Conventions
Keyboard conventions
This book uses the following keyboard conventions.
Keys | Comments |
Key names | All keys are shown in small type. |
| Example: Press Enter. |
| The keys on your keyboard may not |
| be labeled exactly as they are in this |
| book. |
Combination keys | You will frequently hold down one |
| key while you press another key. |
| These combination keys are |
| separated by a hyphen. |
| Example: Press |
Sequential keys | You press sequential key |
| combinations in the order shown. |
| Example: Press Esc Esc means to |
| press the Escape key twice. |
| Sometimes a combination key is |
| immediately followed by another |
| key. |
| Example: Press |
| hold down Ctrl while pressing G, then |
| release both keys and press G |
| again. |
Enter and Return | These keys generally perform the |
| same function. This book uses Enter. |
| If your keyboard does not have an |
| Enter key, you can substitute the |
| Return key. |
Issue 2 April 1996 xvii