UnixWare Administration
To Verify Group Assignments
Step Action
1Use any UNIX editor to open the /etc/group file.
2Note the group ID number for
3Locate the g3ma line.
4Is the Proxy Agent user’s name listed?
■If yes, go to step 5.
■If no, add the name to the g3ma line
5Repeat step 4 for each user.
6Write and quit the file to save the changes.
Procedure 2: Use the following steps to check the passwd file. check the
passwd file
Step Action
1Use any UNIX editor to open the /etc/passwd file.
2Locate the entry for the new user’s group ID.
3Is the group ID for that entry the same as the
■If yes, go to step 4.
■If no, change the entry to the g3ma group ID number
4Write and quit the file to save the changes.