UnixWare Installation
To Set System and Node Names
The node name and the system name are the same for a Proxy Agent installation.
Procedure Use the following steps to set the system and node names.
Step | Action |
1 | Enter the following command at the UNIX prompt: |
| uname |
| Result: The system displays the system and node |
| names. |
| Example: agent2 agent2 |
2 | Do the names on your screen match both each other |
| and the system name on the PA001 form? |
| ■ If yes, you have completed this procedure. |
| ■ If no, go to step 3. |
3 | Enter the following command at the UNIX prompt. |
| Make sure that the system name and the node name |
| match the system name on the PA001 form exactly. |
| setuname |
| Example: setuname |
| End |
Issue 2 April 1996