CHAPTER 5: Configuration
3.Type the number of the command you want to use, as shown in the examples in Section 5.3. Always use two digits for the command number (“&%Z05,” for example).
4.Type a comma.
5.Type the argument (the value) representing your desired selection. No spaces are allowed. A space or invalid character in a command causes the Card to ignore the command and resume printing from the point where the error occurred.
6.Terminate the download command with a single space or control character (“NL,” “FF,” “CR,” or “LF,” for example).
7.Multiple commands can be chained together by using a forward slash (“/”) or backslash (“\”) to separate the commands (no spaces are allowed).
As with a single command, the overall command string must begin with “&%” or the alternate
Here is a general template for a string containing multiple commands:
where xx = the command no.; y, yy, etc. = the argument; and
C = a space or control
For example, to set the