DCD (Data Carrier Detect): The local modem is receiving data from the remote modem.
default: The value assumed when no other value is specified.
default setting: The standard setting for a feature which automatically appears unless the user selects a different setting.
delimiter: A character that marks the beginning and/or end of a unit of data.
DIP switch: Used to provide
direct access: A hotkey sequence used to take the user directly to the next host session configured.
display screen: A
display station: An input/output device containing a display screen and an attached keyboard. Also called a terminal.
DOS (Disk Operating System): A
DOS EMM386: A type of
driver: A program routine that contains instructions necessary to control the operation of a peripheral.
DRS (Data Set Ready): This indicates that the modem is connected to the telephone circuit.
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment): A “communication destination” device such as a PC or terminal, as opposed to a “communication relay” device such as a modem.
duplex: Prints on both sides of the paper.
EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code): The character set used by IBM mainframes, as opposed to ASCII, the set used by most personal computer systems.
emulation: The duplication or imitation of one device by another device.