IPv4 Multicast Protocols
TABLE 12 Output fields from the show ip pim mcache command (Continued)
Field | Description |
upstream neighbor | Shows the upstream neighbor for the Source/RP based on the type of entry. For (*,G) it |
| shows the upstream neighbor towards the RP. For (S,G) entries it shows the upstream |
| neighbor towards the source. |
Flags | Flags Represent Entry flags in hex format in the braces. And indicates the meaning of |
| the flags set in abbreviated string whose explanations are as below. Only shows the |
| flags which are set. |
| SM - Shows If the entry is created by PIM Sparse Mode |
| DM - Shows If DM mode entry is enabled |
| SSM - Shows If the SSM mode entry is enabled |
| RPT - Shows If the entry is on the Rendezvous Point (RP) |
| SPT - Shows If the entry is on the source tree |
| LSRC - Shows If the source is in a |
| LRcv - Shows If the receiver is directly connected to the router |
| REG - if the data registration is in progress |
| L2REG - if the source is directly connected to the router |
| REGSUPP - if the register suppression timer is running |
| RegProbe |
| HW - Shows If the candidate for hardware forwarding is enabled |
| FAST - Shows If the resources are allocated for hardware forwarding |
| TAG - Shows If there is a need for allocating entries from the replication table |
| MSDPADV - Shows If RP is responsible for the source and must be advertised to its |
| peers. |
| NEEDRTE - Shows If there is no route to the source and RP is available |
| PRUNE - Shows If PIM DM Prune to upstream is required |
RP | Show the IP address of the RP. |
fast ports | Shows forwarding port mask. |
AgeSltMsk | Shows the slot number on which active module expects ingress traffic. |
L2 FID | Shows the hardware resource allocated for the traffic switched to receivers in the |
| ingress VLAN. |
DIT | Shows the hardware resource allocated for routed receivers. |
RegPkt | Shows Count of Packets forwarded due to the Register decapsulation. |
AvgRate | Shows the average Rate of packets ingressing for this entry over 30 seconds. |
116 | FastIron Ethernet Switch IP Multicast Configuration Guide |