Displaying PIM RPF
Displaying PIM RPF
The show ip pim rfp command displays what PIM sees as the reverse path to the source as shown in the following. While there may be multiple routes back to the source, the one displayed by this command is the one that PIM thinks is best.
device# show ip pim vrf eng rpf Source directly connected on e4/1
Syntax: show ip pim [vrf vrf-name ] rpf ip-address
The vrf option to display what PIM sees as the reverse path to the source for a VRF instance specified by the
Configuring Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP)
The Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) is used by Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) Sparse devices to exchange source information across PIM Sparse domains. Devices running MSDP can discover PIM Sparse sources in other PIM Sparse domains.
The following figure shows an example of some PIM Sparse domains. For simplicity, this example shows one Designated Router (DR), one group source, and one receiver for the group. Only one PIM Sparse device within each domain needs to run MSDP.
FIGURE 6 PIM Sparse domains joined by MSDP devices
In this example, the source for PIM Sparse multicast group is in PIM Sparse domain 1. The source sends a packet for the group to its directly attached DR. The DR sends a PIM register message for this flow to the RPDR. The RP is configured for MSDP, which enables the RP to exchange source
FastIron Ethernet Switch IP Multicast Configuration Guide | 121 |