Dialing Access Codes and Credit Card Numbers
Sometimes you may want to choose from among several long distance carriers when you make a call. Rates may vary depending upon the time and destination. To take advantage of low rates, you can store the access codes or
For example: |
You store “555” on One Touch key 03 | and “7000” on One Touch key 02 . |
If you press One Touch 03 , 02 and Start | you will dial |
temporarily change a number, you can substitute part of the number with manual dialing using the dial pad. For example, to change the number to
Pause after dialing Speed Dial numbers for the name to be displayed before you enter the next portion of the dialing sequence.
7 - 6 A U T O D I A L N U M B E R S A N D D I A L I N G O P T I O N S