MFC 9600 Control Panel Overview
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9 | 14 |
1One Touch Keys
These 16 keys give you instant access to previously stored phone numbers.
Whenever the Date and Time are displayed on the LCD, you can press this key to print a quick reference Help List. The Help List shows how to program functions, register information and how to get basic information.
Use this key when you want to broadcast the same fax to many different locations (maximum of 182 locations at once).
4▼ Shift
To access memory locations 17 through 32 in the One Touch keys hold down the Shift key.
5LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
LCD displays messages to help you set up and operate your MFC.
6Toner Empty Indicator
Blinks when toner cartridge is low and stays lit when toner is empty.
7Resolution Indicator Lights
These LEDs show the resolution mode you selected.
Sets the resolution when you send a fax.
Programming Keys:
Lets you access the function and programing mode
(Left Arrow)
(Right Arrow)
Moves the LCD cursor through text and options.
Stores a function setting in the MFC.
Deletes entered data or backs up one step in function procedure.
Scanner Function Keys:
Scan Image
Press this key to scan a color picture into your graphics application for viewing and editing.
Press this key to start scanning a text document. ScanSoft™ TextBridge® will convert it to editable text and display it in your word processor application for further editing.
Scan to E-mail
Press this key to start scanning a an original into your
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